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Washed Arabica - 'Plantation'Top

Plantation PB

Sieve Standard : No sieve requirement. Garbling Status : Clean garbled


  • Flats (AB): 2% by weight
  • PB Triage: 3% by weight

Plantation A

Sieve Standard : Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.65mm (Screen 17). Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 6.00mm (Screen 15). Garbling Status : Clean garbled


  • Flats (AB): 2% by weight
  • PB Triage: 3% by weight

Plantation B

Sieve Standard : Minimum 75% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.00mm (Screen 15). Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 5.50mm (Screen 14). Garbling Status : Clean garbled


  • Flats (AB): 2% by weight
  • PB Triage: 3% by weight

Plantation C

Sieve Standard : Minimum 75% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.50mm (Screen 14). 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (Screen 13). May include : Triage, small whole beans of the prescribed sieve size, light beans, boat shaped beans and spotted beans (less than a quarter of a bean surface). Shall be free from : Blacks and damaged beans

Plantation Blacks

Sieve Standard : 100% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13) May include : Black beans with more than a quarter of the bean surface black, deep blue or dark brown. It shall include damaged beans such as bleached (spongy) beans, insect damaged beans, spotted (more than a quarter of a bean surface) beans, stinker and sour beans.

Plantation Bits

Sieve Standard : 100% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13) Garbling Status : Un garbled May contain : Broken beans of less than 1/3 of a bean size, blacks/browns and defective beans of the prescribed size.

Plantation Bulk

Grading : Un graded Presence of Blacks/Browns/Bits : Shall not contain more than 2% by weight.
Unwashed Arabica - 'Cherry'Top

Arabica Cherry PB

Sieve Standard : No sieve requirement Garbling Status : Clean garbled


  • Flats (AB): 2% by weight
  • PB Triage: 3% by weight

Arabica Cherry AB

Sieve Standard : Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.00 mm (screen 15). Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 5.5 mm (screen 14). Garbling Status : Clean garbled


  • Flats (AB): 2% by weight
  • PB Triage: 3% by weight

Arabica Cherry C

Sieve Standard : Minimum 75% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.50 mm (screen 14). 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). May include : Triage, small whole beans of the prescribed sieve size, light beans, boat shaped beans and spotted beans (less than a quarter of a bean surface). Shall not contain more than 2% of blacks/browns or bits.

Arabica Cherry Blacks/Browns

Sieve Standard : 100% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screnn 13). May include : Black/dark brown beans, damaged beans such as bleached (spongy) beans, insect damaged beans, spotted (more than a quarter of a bean surface) beans, fungal damaged beans, sours and green beans.

Arabica Cherry Bits

Sieve Standard : 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). Garbling Status : Un garbled May include : Broken beans of less than 1/3 of a bean size, blacks/browns and defective beans of the prescribed size.

Arabica Cherry Bulk

Grading : Un graded Presence of Blacks/browns/bits : Shall not contain more than 16%by weight
Washed Robusta  - 'Parchment'Top

Robusta Parchment PB

Sieve Standard : No sieve requirement Garbling Status : Clean garbled


  • Flats (AB): 2% by weight
  • PB Triage: 3% by weight

Robusta Parchment AB

Sieve Standard : Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.00 mm (screen 15). Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 5.5 mm (screen 14). Garbling Status : Clean garbled


  • PB: 2% by weight
  • Triage: 3% by weight

Robusta Parchment C

Sieve Standard : Minimum 75% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.50 mm (screen 14). 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). May include : Triage, small whole beans of the prescribed sieve size, light beans, boat shaped beans and spotted beans (less than a quarter of a bean surface). Shall not contain more than 2% of blacks/browns or bits.

Robusta Parchment Blacks/Browns

Sieve Standard : 100% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). May include : Black/dark brown beans, damaged beans such as bleached (spongy) beans, insect damaged beans, spotted (more than a quarter of a bean surface) beans, stinker and sour beans.

Robusta Parchment Bits

Sieve Standard : 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). Garbling Status : Un garbled May include : Broken beans of less than 1/3 of a bean size, blacks/browns and defective beans of the prescribed size.

Robusta Parchment Bulk

Grading : Un graded Presence of Blacks/browns/bits : Shall not contain more than 2%by weight
Unwashed Robusta - 'Cherry'Top

Robusta Cherry PB

Sieve Standard : No sieve requirement Garbling Status : Clean garbled


  • Flats (AB): 2% by weight
  • PB Triage: 3% by weight

Robusta Cherry AB

Sieve Standard : Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.00 mm (screen 15). Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 5.50 mm (screen 14). Garbling Status : Clean garbled


  • PB: 2% by weight
  • Triage: 3% by weight

Robusta Cherry C

Sieve Standard : 100% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). May include : Black/dark brown beans, damaged beans such as bleached (spongy) beans, insect damaged beans, spotted (more than a quarter of a bean surface) beans, fungal damaged beans, sours and green beans.

Robusta Cherry Blacks/Browns

Sieve Standard : 100% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). May include : Black/dark brown beans, damaged beans such as bleached (spongy) beans, insect damaged beans, spotted (more than a quarter of a bean surface) beans, fungal damaged beans, sours and green beans.

Robusta Cherry Bits

Sieve Standard : 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). Garbling Status : Un garbled May include : Broken beans of less than 1/3 of a bean in size, blacks/browns and defective beans of the prescribed size.

Robusta Cherry Bulk

Grading : Un graded Presence of Blacks/browns/bits : Shall not contain more than 10%by weight

Robusta Cherry Clean Bulk

Grading : Un graded Shall be free from : Blacks/Browns/Bits